Weight Loss Tracker

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Yes, I did actually fall off the face of the earth...

So, clearly I've been busy lately. I've been dealing with a lot of chaos in my life. It's just been one of those times that pop up in my life where suddenly I have a bunch of things that need to get done all at the same time. I've felt overwhelmed and stressed out to the max. It's been a challenge.

One of the many things that's kept me busy is that I've been trying to finish an order I recieved for 5 floral arrangements. But I've only been able to do a little here, a little there, and the project has really been strung out. I've had many interruptions of other things that I needed to stop and do, delaying the order. So many different things I can't even remember them all. Ugh.

And then there's tax time creeping up. Stress. Procrastination. Stress.

And I took on the rather daunting task of making 2-3 weeks worth of meals all at once and then freezing them. Seemed like a good idea at the time. Due to poor planning and time management though, it turned into a 2-day ordeal. 12 meals split up into individual servings, placed in tupperware and frozen. I've heard of people doing that, just never had the guts to try it. But I did. A bomb exploded in my kitchen and the rest of my house in the process. It's all good though. We saved the long run I'll be saving time....and hey, I don't have to worry about wasting leftovers. So it's great. Maybe I'll make a separate post about that later.

Now about this messy house.....

In the meantime, ALL of this stuff has kept me from starting a new business endevor with the Hubs. Yes, this puts any thoughts of being a personal trainer on hold, but it's for a good reason. We've been desperate for money recently and this new business is what could really solve that problem for us and quick! I've just needed to take care of these other things first.

Was it neccessary to share all that with you? Probably not. Just felt like explaining what's been going on with me lately. I know ya'll have just been on the edge of your seats wondering about me. ;-)


Anonymous said...

Uh...actually I WAS at the edge of my seat, waiting for your next blog, but I waited so long, I passed out and fell off the chair. Welcome back!