Weight Loss Tracker

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Day 1

To start things off, we did the Fit Test. It gives you the ability to track how many reps you can do per minute of certain moves. You repeat the test once every two weeks and focus on trying to improve your numbers. Today I definitely felt like I got my butt whipped. It was a challenge, that's for sure, but I'm glad I got to see what I am capable of. The encouraging thing was that the instructor, after each little exercise move, asked the participants in the video how may reps they just did and how many they used to be able to do-and I did almost exactly as many as they did when they were first starting out with Insanity. It was nice to feel like I wasn't so far behind everyone else. Made me feel good. The only thing is, I was so distracted by my fatigue that I kept losing track of exactly how many reps I had done in a couple of these exercise moves. So when I charted my numbers I had to guess a little. Oh well. Better luck next time.

So now I'll give you all my current stats.

Starting measurements:

First Fit Test:
Switch Kicks=93
Power Jacks=38
Power Knees=67
Power Jumps=15
Globe Jumps=7
Suicide Jumps=10
Push-Up Jacks=10
Low Plank Oblique=36

Can't wait to see how my numbers improve over the coming weeks. Hang in there with me y'all. I need all the support I can get.


Anonymous said...

Look at you!!! Posting your measurements and whatnot. I'm proud of you, sissy. Keep it goin!